Brandon Writes

A Blogging Transition - Update Your RSS Feeds!

First off, I apologize that you must resubscribe to my site. I know it's a pain in the ass and I hate to do it, but it is a must. I'll go into detail below if you care, but otherwise the new feed address is: and I have no intention on changing it again. Thanks!

I made a mistake. A while back, I decided to swap my domain from to and I've regretted it from almost the beginning. The reasons aren't so revelant, but I've wanted to correct this issue for a while now. I wasn't able to get back, but I bought So, just remember the dash.

I'm also making a swap over to Scribbles full-time. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. The export options For the first time pretty much ever, someone has built in some great export options including HTML. I've been wanting this for years, because I truly believe HTML is one of the best ways to backup my writings.

  2. The price I paid for a lifetime plan with Scribbles, and as my BearBlog subscription is coming to an end in a few months, I've decided to make a wise financial choice since Scribbles offers pretty much everything I'm looking for in a blogging platform. It's not perfect, but it's close enough and is consistently getting better.

  3. I'm streamlining my blogs I have way too many blogs and that needs to change. I want just one place I write, where everything is hosted and this is another step in that direction.

I've ported over all of my previous posts (with exception to the Week in Review) to the new site. That was a major pain in the ass since I had to re-add images and add spaces for all my paragraphs. The archives are a bit messy, and I still need to go through each page and fix some spacing issues, but all of the content is there. Had folks not voted that they do go back and read the archives of new blogs, I probably would have just started over from the scratch.